Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Random thoughts from Post production hell

Its been a long battle, and so many times I wanted to give up but couldn't because I didn't know what else to do. I burned the bridge 9 years ago so that I would have no way to retreat. Days came when I hated myself for doing so, I wanted a way out, I laughed at my situation and wondered why am I trying to make movies? what is wrong with me? but its a compulsive disorder that filmmakers have and soon enough I find myself coming up with new ideas for movies, and I keep saying wtf am I doing I need a job, I need health insurance, I need to pay rent, I need some new clothes. But because theres no way out, I have been forced to think "okay, stop thinking where your path of retreat is at, and start thinking about how you can survive this battle!" Its a fight to the death here.

This last few months have been a dark time for me as it usually is when one is in the pits of post-production hell. Not knowing if your child will breathe, or die. I'm finally seeing a glimmer of light as we near the final stages of post production. Sound design is 2 weeks from being finished on LAS VEGAS STORY. POSTER looks AMAZING! There is hope for the future! Music sounds great! SXSW submitted, fingers crossed. Tribeca submission this week.

Stay tuned y'all.

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Chill.com is shutting down

Wow...only less than a few weeks after I posted my review of Chill.com, they are officially shutting down. Today I got the email from their Content Partner Manager, Chris Dumler, which gave the sad news. Just like their predecessor Dynamo Player, Chill.com has also gone under.

This goes to show that although the age of digital filmmaking and indie distribution is at an exciting time, there are still many challenges ahead. The future of independent cinema, the freedom of independent filmmakers to distribute their films to their own audiences, is still in experimental stages.

We will remember the pioneers of these new platforms, and hopefully another will rise to do what these all so failed to do-- make money.

What will I do with my film BANG BANG now that I need to find a new home once again? I have my eye on VIMEO PRO, where they offer the same sort of platform to distribute your film. The way it works with them is much the same way as Chill, you upload your movie, set your price, and keep a revenue split of 90/10. Pretty good right? However, the downside is that it costs $199/year to be a Vimeo Pro account holder. The upside is all the other great features that come with this account.

If you already use Vimeo as a portfolio or use it to store videos, etc, it could be very well worth it. I'll be making a decision in the coming weeks after I finish post on my newest feature, LAS VEGAS STORY. Stay tuned.

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